Here's What Happens When you Eat Blueberries DailY
by Nick Johnson
Here's What Happens When You Eat Blueberries Everyday
BY Nick Johnson

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The best diets are supposed to be balanced. As such, it can be difficult to plan out meals in advance. If you choose to repeatedly eat specific things, the equilibrium of your diet could be thrown off. Nevertheless, certain foods are so rich in nutritional benefits that you should eat them every day. A few of these items include dark chocolate, of which a daily nibble could help to lower your blood pressure, avocados, as they are full of heart-healthy fats, high anti-inflammatory foods like garlic, and protein-rich eggs.

You might not think much about blueberries in terms of a daily staple, but you should. In the United States, 660 million pounds of blueberries were sold in 2021 alone. With all of these juicy little fruits rolling around the nation, it's becoming possible that more people are choosing to incorporate blueberries into their daily diet. What are the benefits associated with habitual blueberry consumption, and are there any potential problems?


Health benefits of the humble blueberry


One of the most beneficial aspects of the blueberry is its high amount of antioxidants. Just a single cup of blueberries can contain in excess of 10,000 antioxidants and if those berries are "wild," that number can exceed 13,000. One of the primary antioxidants found in blueberries is anthocyanins, which have been associated with the reduction of disease-causing free radicals. Speaking with Insider, nutritionist Nicole DeMasi explains that the antioxidant anthocyanin can aid in preventing cancer. Dietitian Julia Zumpano tells Cleveland Clinic that antioxidants can be viewed as a shield that defends our cells against damage and aging.


Additionally, eating blueberries every day is an excellent way to get your allotment of certain vitamins. In fact, one cup of blueberries contains 24% of your daily recommended vitamin C, an essential immune booster, as well as 36% of your vitamin K and 25% of your manganese, both of which support healthy blood clot formation. Manganese also plays a role in muscle and bone development.


Blueberry benefits abound

A recent review in the scientific journal Neural Regeneration Research amassed a variety of studies pertaining to the effect of blueberries on brain health. In the review's conclusion, researchers once again highlight anthocyanins, which can help protect you against neurological diseases as you age. 


Blueberries have been linked to a decrease in blood pressure, as well. A 2019 study published in the "Journal of Gerontology Series A" revealed that a daily snack of blueberries had immediate effects on the participant's blood pressure (via ScienceDaily). The scientists behind the study attributed the vascular improvements to the aforementioned anthocyanins.


Furthermore, eating blueberries could be beneficial for those with type 2 diabetes. Speaking with Insider, Nutritionist Bansari Acharya again extolls the virtues of the now-familiar anthocyanins, which can bolster the insulin sensitivity of a person with diabetes.

A cupful of blueberries contains 14% of your dietary fiber. However, if you go overboard when munching on the delicious fruit, you can wind up with some gastrointestinal distress. 


It's generally safe to eat blueberries every day, though you should do so in moderation if you experience some stomach issues. Blueberry muffins, on the other hand, should probably be enjoyed as an occasional treat..